Shark Statistics Summer Club 2024

Sign up for the shark statistics summer club by filling out this form (only for statistics specialist program students or graduate students/postdocs in DoSS at the University of Toronto): 

No more sign ups this summer as we've reached max capacity. 

Welcome to the Shark Statistics Summer Club, led by Dr. Jessica Leivesley, Dr. Vianey Leos Barajas and Yuanyuan Che. Yay sharks!

Dates: May 13, 27, June 10, 24, July 8, 22, August 8, 22
Times:        5-8 pm
Location:  provided after sign-up

The shark statistics summer club is an opportunity to conduct research in a casual group setting without the need to put a lot of time into it. It's also an opportunity for those who may want to gain research experience but are not sure where to start.

This summer we will work on real shark data with the realest of them all, researchers from the Shark Lab! They have a vast data set on juvenile white sharks, e.g. their movements and even some drone footage, off the coast of California. Last year's ecological statistics summer club worked with them and are putting a research paper together on their findings. Some topics we'll want to cover -- social behavior of juvenile white sharks, aggregation behaviors, understanding their individual movements -- and we'll do this by implementing various time series models in a Bayesian framework.

If you are in the Statistics Specialist program at the University of Toronto, you're welcome to join! Come with an open mind ready to learn and be respectful of others. Students with some coding experience and math/stats background will likely be more able to participate but you can join at any level. Others may be able to join if there's sufficient space available.